The smart Trick of avvocato penalista That No One is Discussing

The smart Trick of avvocato penalista That No One is Discussing

Blog Article

Like a member with the board of administrators, in 2016 he was a member of the Unione Giovani Criminalisti Association, the place he examined some comparative profiles on crimes within the context of supranational authorized devices.

I proposed them to some American companions to have an Trader visa and so they brilliantly solved their problems for getting into the Schenghen international locations and in Europeread more

Our Web page, actually, was designed specifically to provide on the net lawful Guidance and guidance in Italy in less than 24 hours with swift, exact and Expert responses on the authorized complications of those people who are in trouble and who opt to contact us.

Nel nostro Paese, e non solo, l'avvocato penalista può prendere la difesa della persona danneggiata da un'azione delittuosa ma anche della persona che ha violato la legge ovvero che ha commesso lui stesso il reato e che viene definito imputato.

Outside the house the national context we are in the leading European and planet towns due to a community of contacts that enables us for being operational 24 several hours each day everywhere in the world.

Our regulation firm has been hectic For a long time serving to foreign Individuals who have authorized issues in Italy connected to the immigration sector. The support of an attorney in these tactics is usually necessary for the accomplishment of your proceedings.

All through his Expert job he has created stable and confirmed bases in the next subjects: organized crime, drug and drug trafficking, white collar crime, crimes versus the general public Administration, illegal immigration crimes, crimes in opposition to residence and versus the individual , participating personally in appropriate countrywide media protection procedures.

reati dolosi e colposi preterintenzionali (giudicati sulla base della consapevolezza psichica e dalla volontarietà dell'atto);

He makes a speciality of finding evidence concerning on the web fraud with reference to cryptocurrencies as well as on the net trading. He also handles immigration paperwork for our Worldwide regulation company.

Cosma Raffone → Avvocato - Sono Cosma Raffone, avvocato civilista con oltre 15 anni di esperienza. Sarei lieto di mettere this contact form le mie capacità al servizio delle persone che porranno in me la loro fiducia: mi occupo principalmente di amministrazioni condominiali (sia dal lato delle amministrazioni, sia dal versante della tutela del condòmino), di recupero crediti privati ed imprenditoriali (a partire dalla formazione del titolo esecutivo sino all'esecuzione mobiliare/immobiliare), di tutela risarcitoria contro i grandi istituti assicurativi/bancari operanti sul territorio italiano con una Check This Out percentuale di vittoria nel contenzioso radente il one hundred%.

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get an immediate estimate without the need of long run surprises. Just about every defensive option might be agreed with you beforehand, you won't have any unpleasant surprises and you won't need to incur any unexpected costs. From the beginning, you are going to know the costs that you'll have to face.

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- Sono Alessandro Dell'Aquila, esperto di contenzioso tributario. Offro un rapporto personale e diretto con i miei navigate here clienti, dimostrando sempre il mio impegno nel seguire ogni caso da vicino.

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